Freedom of Navigation Operation (FONOP)
what is fonop |
Freedom of Navigation Operations involves passages conducted by the USNavy through waters claimed by coastal nations as their exclusive territory.
According to the US Department of Defense (DoD), the FON program has existed for 40 years, and “continuously reaffirmed the United States’ policy of exercising and asserting its navigation and overflight rights and freedoms around the world”.
These “assertions communicate that the United States does not acquiesce to the excessive maritime claims of other nations, and thus prevents those claims from becoming accepted in international law”.
● India’s domestic laws hold any country carrying out
military maneuvers in its EEZ must
provide prior notification.
● While a country has full sovereignty over its
territorial waters, which end at 12
nautical miles from the coast, it only has special rights
in exploration and use of
marine resources in its EEZ, which stretch to 200
nautical miles from the baseline.
What’s the issue?
● The US said India’s requirement of prior consent is
inconsistent with international laws and the “freedom of navigation operations
● The US which has not ratified the UNCLOS unlike India,
China and many other
countries do regularly conduct FONOPs in the contentious South China Sea to
challenge China’s aggressive territorial claims as well
as in other areas including the Indian Ocean Region.
What’s the concern now?
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